The Atchison Daily Globe from Atchison, Kansas (2024)


When Yqu Have buy your smokes at Ritner's. rVtlbwttlnn TmvwiWnnfr PlIlflMlhi Chas. Nolan pleaded rullty to bur glary to-day, and was sentenced to the state reformatory by Judge Jackson. Looked Everywhere Come To Constipation, Bilious Headache and Sour Stomach Mean Cascarets To-Night Sure No odds how bad your liver, stomach'or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and uncomfortable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish intestines you always get the desired results with Cascarets. Don't let your 'tomach, liver and bowels make you miserable another moment; put an end to the headache, biliousness, dizziness, nervousness, sick.

sour, eassv stomach, backache and all other distress; cleanse your in- You young fellows, have you seen A Pay's Events. Wm. J. (Fingy) Connors, former chairman of the Democratic state committee of New York, has resigned his membership In the committee to take effect at once. Connors is at outs with the present controlling interests in Democratic politics.

those new Barry button boots, in the wasp and pup toe? Burgess Koh- T'HERE are many cheap frauds in paint as in most things; adulterations in materials, short-measure gallons, paint thinned with water or benzine; a lot of ways to cheat in paint. We know them all by competing with that kind of paints. Devoe Lead-and-Zinc Paint is Come To Reinhard's for ler. For Your Consideration. Parties wanting seed wheat for late sowing, see ad.

E. C. Evans. The district court jury was excused to-day at noon until next Monday. Go out and help the Knights of Columbus team trim Valley Falls Sunday.

Ed.tubols has returned from Nebraska, when he has been working Putman Ma age The latest is that President Taft will arrive in Atohlson Wednesday at For Assortment nil thB rmisun am! effete matter which is producing the The general strike which began in Spain yesterday appears up to the present time to be even a greater failure than the authorities claimed it 1:45 p. and will leave for Leavenworth at 4:30 p. m. Superintendent Carden, C. C.

Clout lriiserv. And Prices. don wait until bedtime, in an me wona mere Take a would be. Only a few workmen have for the Fraternal Aid. The Moose will also have a feature man and Will Washer are traveling over the Central Branch In a motor is no remedy like this.

A 10-cent box means health, hapiness and a clear head tor months. Fancy head lettuce, cauliflow gone out in Madrid and not only have no new strikes broken out in the prov car, to size up the crop situation. Dr. B. F.

Coffin, who went to Huron er, egg parsley, mint, celery, carrots, cucumbers, rad No more days of gloom and distress if you will take a Cascaret now and then. Don't forget the children their little insides need a goo, gentle, cleansing, too. inces but many of those which were in operation yesterday have been stopped by the men's leaders. from Kansas City two years ago, has in the parade on Waggoner day, but aren't telling what the feature will be. Regular meeting of Atchison Council, Xo.

99, U. C. Saturday evening, September 23. George R. Hooper, secretary.

Groceries ishes, turnips and beets, small white pickling Tony a laborer, 40 years pure carbonate of lead, pure oxide of zinc, pure linseed oil and color and turpentine dryer. Every Devoe dealer can show you official state chemists' reports to prove it. Devoe Lead-and-Zinc is good, pure, full measure. Klostermeier Agts. 3 sold his business to Dr.

J. R. Smith, heisler, and will return to Kansas City. T. B.

Smith, who becomes deputy 'county treasurer under Ernest Un old, was arrested yesterday afternoon in connection with the wholesale mur We have the very latest styles in der of the Wayne and Burnham fam We cater to the best trade and ilies in Colorado Springs. It is un graphophones. Hear these to-morrow, We sell them on easy terms. Rems. burg Piano Co.

derwood, shipped his household goods usually please our customers. derstood Donatel's arrest followed a to Atchison to-day. He will live at 515 North Sixth street. statement made by Arthur J. Burn- It is an ill wind, they say, which ham, husband of one of the slain wo Everything in fresh fruits and blows nobody good.

Wheat is up sev men, who was arrested following the discovery of the crime. Burnham. it vegetables for your Sunday ROBBED GOLD TRAIN. eral cents a bushel as a result of Canada's rejection of the reciprocity pact. An Auburn, clothing store dinner.

is said, admitted that when he re Tokay Grapes 40 cents a basket. Concord grapes, 25c a basket. California plums, 40c a basket. Rocky Ford and Ordway 4 cantaloupes. Elberta peaches, Sweetheart melons, 15 cents each.

turned home unexpectedly Sunday he found his Donatel in the house with UN. REEULATE STONACH.UVlR S-BOWELS 6Jc boxes fjXjliglgg Drug SV. was burglarized last night, and the Fresh butter, eggs and poul thieves are headed toward Atchison Bandits Escaped In Alaska, But Are Being Pursued. Seattle, Sept. 22.

A dispatch here to-day from Kaltag, Alaska, says: his wife. police say Donatel was Thev took several suits and -several try just in from the country. examined last year as to his sanity. A general manager of the United States Tire company, and as an indication that he really believes the coming year will develop some wonderful sales records arrangements have just been completed whereby the company's immense factories will be run throughout the winter months on full summer schedule. pairs of shoes.

new clue has been found. It is a clear finger print outlined in blood on the Winfield Mills, a 16-year-old boy of Don't forget our telephone Elmira, N. decided he, wanted to handle of the axe used to kill the sex "Masked men held up a car on the Iditarod flat tramway yesterday and stole a strong box containing $35,000 number is 165. see the West, and arrived here yester tette. A Bertillion expert from Denver has been called to examine the day.

He is a grandson of Col. Mills, SOQGESnOHS FOR THE CARE OF THE SICK who moved here from Muscotah a few print. in gold dust. A posse Is In pursuit, FOUR BURNED TO DEATH. We will appreciate your order.

years ago. We don't give premium stamps for premiums, but give it in value. Divers have recovered $150,000 in gold from the wreck of the steamship A news illustration on page four, MISS MEI.LA STEPHENS, Assistant in Domestic Science, K. S. A.

Deliver any place in town. Explosion of Gas Main Set Fire to the value of ter so largely mio iue uieuu, il ia of this issue, may explain why nothing is being done in the way of building the McKinley interurban lines out it Fvrvone recognizes Ramona, which foundered on Spanish Island, Alaska, recently. They have also- brought up some of the baggage Boarding House. The United States has the greatest employment bureau in the world In the Civil Service Commission. The commission takes care ot the employment of all of the 3S4.0SS persons who work for the executive branch of the government in various ways.

Of this number 222.278 hold office as a result of competitive ex and mails. The ship is brken In two Youngstown, Ohio, SepK 22. At least four persons were burned to Reinhard's Grocery, Putman Maage Both 'Phones, 763 amidships and i sa total loss. death and a dozen injured, one fatal Atchison. Congressman McKinley is on his way Europe.

Very elegant window posters of B. P. Waggener and President Taft, draped in American flags, for window 426 Com' I. John S. Dawson, attorney gener Phones 165.

essary to select as many forms and serve them in as many ways as possible to avoid monotony in the diet. Fortunately milk, eggs, and meat may be prepared in an endless variety of -ways. The following menu, prepared in class, shows how a large proportion of protein may he obtained, and is al ly, -when an eight-inch gas main on South avenue viaduct bursted this al, is going to begin ouster proceedings against the four men members of the gc-od nursing hut not every one realizes mit one of the most essential duties the nurse is to supply her patient lth the proper kinds awl quantities of food at. the proper time. Tne word is derived from the y.ord meaning to nourish, and many times' the rectvery of a patient depends quite as much upon the food as any medical treatment which might ho nrescrihed.

Tie students at K. S. morning, setting fire to a laborers' STEEL SLUMPS AGAIN. Hunnewell city council. The pro boarding house nearby.

decorations, can be had at the Boston store. The prices are very reasonable: 15 cents for the large ones and ceedings will be brought as soon as Fear that Dissolution Must Come most free from the starches and sugar, KATY RETRENCHMENTS. the papers can be drawn. "I'll get around to this Hunnewell business just as soon as I can," he said to-day. Throws Scare Into Stockholders.

if saccharin is used, to sweeten the aminations held by the commission, and their tenure Is not subject to the whim of a statesman or politician. This army of 3S4.088 does not include all of the persons who serve the government. This number has to do with the executive employes. In addition there are 2,115 employes of the senate and the house and 484 men and women who serve in the Congressional library. Tlien there are 4,399 employes of the judiciary.

Including judges, attorneys and marshals, and Xew YorkSept. 22. A deluge of orange ice: Seven Hundred Men Laid Off at Setlal 10 cents for the small ones. Supply limited. A.

C. Wilson, a blind lawyer of Lawrence, is in Atchison to-day preparing a habeas corpus suit fo gain possession of two children in the Or- Baked Egg in Tomato 1 ia Railroad Shops. selling orders in common stock of the United States Steel at the opening of the stock market this morning broke Scraped Beef Balls Gluten Muffins Sedalia, Sept. 22 The Mis "You know I have a multitude of more important things to do. I will begin ouster proceedings against those councilmen soon.

Tney will all be tossed in short order, but there is no use making a fuss about Hunnewell. Butter Cucumber Salad French Dressing the. price of that security over four points. The selling was the result of continued fears that reports' from TO-DAY'S MARKETS. Kansas City, Sept.

23. Cattle Receipts, 2,500 head; market slow and steady. Native steers $5.25 (g 8.00 Cows and heifers. 2.60ig".00 Stockers and feeders 3. 40 ft 6.00 Bulls 3.254.50 Calves 5.00 8.00 Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady to 5c higher.

Heavy Packers and 6.506.85 phons' Home that belong to G. W. Crothers. of Lawrence. The blind souri, Kansas Texas shops here, employing seven hundred men, will close to-night for an indefinite period.

Retrenchment is the cause given by the company. Mv information about that town is Washington that the steel corporation lawyer has a book of laws in raised letters, and he reads it as freely as an could not continue in its present form their clerical assistants and messengers, referees in bankruptcy and United States commissioners. Then the army has 80,521 officers and enlisteJ men; the navy 40.832. To these must and would dissolve, were true, ordinary person reads print. that there 'is nothing to it but a wide place in the road." C.

P. Rodgers, the latest starter for the Hearst aviation prize, spent A. C. take up ttie more Important diseases, study their symptoms, causes and medical treatment and then apply the knowledge thus gained by preparing aoid serving' meals best suited to the disease under discussion. For instri-e: The girls may be studvinEc a dtaease in which is is high-ly important tfiat starches and sugars he eliminated from the and it 16 here that studAes in therapeutic cooking are taken up.

As -substitutes tor sugar there are artificial sweetening substances which, have no deleterious effect upon the body, but give the de Brokers on the exchange say they could not recall a more extraordinary Everything you could possibly want for Sunday dinner at John J. Intfen's. A full line of foreign and domestic Ice Gluten Nut Cakes The planning and preparing of food ire not, however, the only important points to consider. Attractive and dainty service is imperative for an invalid's tray. The appetite is frequently kicking and it Is the problem of the nurse to supply food which will be both nourishing and of proper character for the disease, and which will appeal to the patient's sense of sight and taste.

market than that witnessed in the first last night near Hancock, X. having half hour. The defeat of reciprocity added to the market's weakness. Lights 6.55S6.80 Kansas City, Sept. 22.

Close wheat Wii kerliam Doesn't Think So. Bretton woods. X. Sept. 22.

At gotten 95 miles nearer his goal in flying from Middleton, X. yesterday. He flew the distance in 78 minutes. James J. Ward, the aviator who preceded Rodgers in starting from Xew York in the same competition, was not able to leave the ground at Addison.

Although window glass within a hundred foot radius was shattered. Division of Social Labor. King George of England in his younger days visited Canada in company with the Duke of Clarence. One night at a ball in Quebec, given In honor of the royalties, tbe younger prince devoted his time exclusively to the young ladies, paying little or no attention to the elderly ones and ehaperones. His brother reprimauded him, pointing out to him bis social position and his duty as well.

"That's all right," said the young prince. "There are two of us, Yon fruits and vegetables; especially fancy melons, home-grown grapes by the basket, peaches, California plums, and other fruits; cucumbers, cauliflower, egg plant, head and leaf lettuce: chickens in any size and fresh butter and eggs at Intfen's. The following banks in this county will close September 27, so that all employes may attend B. P. Waggen be added 1,415 consuls, interpreters, secretaries and clerks In the diplomatic and consular service.

The result is a grand army of Federal employees numbering 513. S54 persons. This employment bureau has been running twenty-eight years, beginning under President Garfield. During his term Garfield classified or made subject to competitive examination posi- tions. President Cleveland in his first term added to this number 27,330.

President extended the com. petitive civil service to 42,928 ad torney General Wickersham this att-ernoon authorized the following statement: "Xo arrangements for the dis sired flavor to the food. The diet may consist of vegetables very On the average farm the hog house receives very little attention. It is cleaned; the same old bedding Receipts, 62 cars; cash wheat 3c to 5c higher: December, 93 He; No. 2 hard, 96 Xo.

3, 94 98c; 50. 2 red, 95 96c; Xo. 3, 93 95c. Corn lc higher; December, 61 S61c: May, 6464ic; Xo. 2 mixed, 6614c; Xo.

3, 66c; Xo. 2 white. 66c; Xo. 3, 66c. Oats lc higher; Xo.

2 white, 46 solution of the Steel Trust have been made, or, so far as I am aware, proposed by the department of justice. little starch or as lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, and melV, cream, ecgs, and meat in abundance. Acid fruit's and olive oil are usefrJ and may Clark Wilson, a negro farm hand, was only slightly injured when a basket of dynamite which he was carrying exDloded in Leavenworth yesterday er picnic: Huron State bank, State Bank of Lancaster, State Bank of Effingham, Farmers' and Merchants' State bank, Effingham; Muscotah State is left in it from year to year. The dust that accumulates affords an excellent place for bacteria to breed, and is often a source of disease. be used alone or in liberal quantities morning.

Wilson was smoking a cig go and sing God save your grand 47Hc; Xo. 3 mixed, 44f 46c. With salads. proteins must en- bank, Farmers' State bank. Muscotah; Rye 88 89c.

mother while I dance with the girls Ladies' Home Journal. ditional places. In his second term President Cleveland added 81,889 more to the number, and his successor, President McKinley. further extended the operations of the civil service law so as to include an ad CHEAP ADVERTISING. ArtTfrllscmrots nnder tlii head.

Ilv rents per line of mix frord. foi one day) three cents per line or one-halt ctn I per word for three or more dnys. No advrrtisenirnt taken (or less thna rents. Cash must acvoiupaujr "nil." arette, which accidently fell into the basket. The concussion tore a big hole in the pavement and rocked buildings, but when the smoke cleared away the negro was found smiling and trying to put out his smouldering clothing.

He refused medical treat 'EBMMElfilY. HEALS ditional 85,150. President Roosevelt i term in the White House saw the list Hay Steady; choice fThiothy, $18-50 19.00; choice prairie, 18.00 Broom Corn $30 $150 a ton. Butter Creamery, 25c; firsts, 23c; seconds, 21c; packing stock, 17c. Eggs Extras, 224c; firsts, 19 He; seconds, 12 c.

Chicago, Sept. 22. Cattle Receipts, market steady. ulceus TO'J VATS TO CI.ASSIKT. of classified positions swelled by and to date President Taft has added 4,116, making the total of ment.

Cheng Tu. the capital of Pze Chuen, which has been under siege by FOR SALF Indian runner ducks. Bell phone or apply Union hotel-. 6S State Bank of Cummings, Potter State bank, Farmers' State bank, Potter. In the district court to-day Thomas J.

Rigg sued W. R. Smith, W. W. Scott and the State Bank of Effingham, for two different amounts, aggregating $507.75.

The suit is over the division of the wheat crop on the Rigg farm, near Effingham. W. C. Rigg, son of T. J.

Rigg, has also sued W. W. Scott and Ul B. Sharpless for $1,256. This suit is of like character, Sharpless being made a party because he bought the wheat in question.

"If that man cannot furnish bond I will sign it myself," said Z. E. Jackson this afternoon, and when Judge The Test. "Ah, deareet," said the lovelorn youth, "What can I say, what can I do. To prove this one eternal truth That boundless is my love for you? "Words are but common things at best, Mere noises on the summer air.

Put me to love's severest test. There are no deeds 1 will not dare." "Cut out tha romance." she replied. "And drop your superheated gab. If you would prove your love let's ride Back home In that there taxlcab." Detroit Free Press. $4.80 8.n.0j Stockers and feeders 3.15(?f5.80 revolutionary forces for several weeks has been relieved.

Fifteen hundred troops have arrived there from Tibet. The foreign missionaries are safe and the gates of the city have been reopened. A war engine invented by Marquis Imperali, while undergoing tests at Montichiari. Italy, yesterday, ex WANTED 2 rooms and board in private family by business women; must be reasonable: references. Address, "Business," Globe.

69 LOST String of black beads, with black cross in center. Reward if returned to 67 N. -d St. 69 places made competitive by presidential order to date 124,032. The discrepancy between this figure and the 222,278 now under the classified service is due to the fact that the clerical force in all of the government departments has increased materially since first placed under the civil service.

The growth of the executive civil service has been wonderful. In 1816 there were only 0,327 employees of the government departments. No matter in what way an old sore or ulcer first commenced wheiher from a wound, cut, or bruise, or from the ulceration of a wart pimple or mole, or even If it came without apparent reason, the fact that it does not heal shows fihat bad blood is responsible for the place While tiie circulation remains impure the nerves and tissues of the flesh around the place are constantly being fed with unhealthy matter and the fibres are Ihus prevented frrm knitting together and healing Purify the blood and the pnace MIKIT heal, its cause having been removed S. S. S.

cures old sores and chronic ulcers because it is the greatest of all blood purrSsrs. It removes from the circulation every impurity and so enriches the blood that it nourishes the tender, sensitive flesh and causes a knitting toretfier of all fibrous tissue and thus heals the place Book on Sores ana Ulcers and any medical advice free. 5 5 for sale at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA? GA. Cows and heifers 2.25 6.20 Hogs Receipts, market slovs and steady.

$.657.20 Mixed S. 5007. 20 6.407.12V4 Gundy fixed Chas. H. Foster's bond at Not a Superman.

ZeUe was on trial for stealing Colo almost new 69 FOR SALE Gas heater, $6. Apply, 417 S. Sth. $750 the attorney promptly signed it. Rough 6.45 if 6.65 Pigs 4.2536.50 FOR SALE 22 Marlin rlfic, practically new.

cheap. Ed Howard, of the Bur nel Todd's chickens, and overwhelming testimony bad been introduced by the prosecution. Called upon for bis i. Chicago, Sept. 22.

Cloee: wheat September, 96c; December, 98 69 gess Kohler store. May, $1.044. FOR RENT 2 newly furnished rooms for gentlemen, next door to boarding house. Call old phone 117; new 1602. 69 ploded with terrific force.

Six persons were killed and sixteen seriously injured. Among the wounded was the marquis. Franklin K. Lane, interstate commerce commissioner, and United States Senator John D. Works exchanged ideas on the trust question at the City Club luncheon at Los Angeles yesterday.

Senator Works introduced Mr. Lane, and commerce commissioner launched into the relations of the people to the corporations. Sewer Pipe FOR SALE OR TRADE Nearly new 6-room house, on car line; gas and cistern; cash or time. "Cash," Globe office. 68 defense, Zeke said: "Well, sub.

jedge, y' see. it dissaway: Ef Colonel Todd wull keep dem coacb an' chiny pullets what has laigs an' tedders down dey laigs. an' he keep dem ia dat henhouse which is smack on de alley, and de henges jls droppin' frum de an' be done fergit where is de pndlock, y' enn't blame me. T's jes' a hoomnn Louis Post-Dispatch. Lumber Lkne and Foster was released.

Foster pleaded not guilty to the charge of forgery when arraigned, and the preliminary hearing was Bet for October 3. Foster wag acquitted of embezzlement by a jury in the district court today noon, and was immediately rearrested. Household goods belonging to Alfred Wilson were garnished to-day while in the hands of the Santa Fe. to satisfy the claims of Kmma Smith, who alleges Wilson owes her $32 for her services as, nurse while his children were 111 with typhoid fever. Wilson worked In Omaha until recently, but he and his family are in St.

Joe now. The garnishment proceedings were brought yesterday when Mrs. WANTED 2-scated surrey: Rive de scription and price. Address. Mrs.

Plaster II. Sahler, Cummings, Kas. 69 ROCKETT, FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. Ap Corn September, 68 He; December, 64c; May, 66H66HcV Oats September, 45 He; December, 47Vic; May, 49K49TAc. Pork January, May, $12.50.

Lard September, October, $9.37 ty; December, Janpary, $8,971 (g 9.00. Wheat Prices Soared. Chicago, Sept. 22. A goneral rush to buy to-day sent wheat soaring.

The defeat of reciprocity was the only influence, everything else being temporarily forgotten. The opening was H'g'fec to 2Hc up. December started at 97e to 97Vic, a gain of 1 lic to lHlic, touched 9678C, and climbed to 9714c. ply, 1113 Parallel 69 More than 600,000 doses of anti-hog-cholera scrum have been distributed by the Kansas Agricultural college within the last two months. The demand at present for the serum from' every part of the state is overwhelm- ing.

The results reported have been uniformly excellent. President Waters says. M. M. Sherman, general manager and part owner of the 27,000 acre Sherman ranch in Ellsworth county, reported to President Waters this week that had it not been for the anti- cholera serum tho Sherman ranch doubtless would have been put out ot business, so fur as hogs are concerned.

The ranch now has nearly 7,000 hogs in its pastures and feeding pens. Cholera has broken out four or five times in as many places anions the scattered droves within the last month. "By prompt use of serum," Mr. Sherman wrote, "we have kept the deaths down to 150 head." Ordinarily the mortality would be from 75 to 100 per cent. The average saving by the use of serum is now more than 90 per cent.

Every facility the college FOR RENT 5-room flat: modern: nice 101:9 Main Street, Phones 121. Metal Lath Plaster Board bath and oiled floors, tuped for gas: $1S per month; also 4-room flat with bath and gas; (12 per month. Win. Paints Roofing Schnap. 69 FARM Northeastern IT mam Wilson attempted to mo the household goods to St.

Joe from Atchison. "We must be fair to corporations and fair to the men who invest their money." Mr. Lane said repeatedly. When he had finished, Senator Works rose and said: "Yes, it is all very well to say we must be fair to the corporations and fair to the men who Invest money. But I say send these men of the corporations to jail when they break the laws.

We must be fair also to the people. Corporations must keep hands out of politics." The gathering at Chihuahua of former officers of the Madero revolution, including Pascual Orozco and Col. Francisco Villa, has given rise to a rumor that the postponement of the election is to be followed by another FOR RENT On or before November Wilson formerly was depot master 19, storeroom 15x0 feet, with mod ern conveniences, at Sth and Kansas here, and disappeared five or six months ago. west of Bell-Munson Auto to. Ap ply, Miss N.

S. Donald. 69 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for litrlit A New York dispatch says: "Al WARD QUITS. a a a a a a a a a though Missouri Pacific's deficit of housekeeping, with bath and laun THE ATCHISON WEEKLY GLOBE THE ATCHISON WEEKLY GLOBE 8 If You Want Your Friends at a $5,220,000 was $2,000,000 more than dry, 324 N. Id old phone 551.

69 Northwestern Unaonrt Reasonable Rates, Liberal Ter ma. XO DELAY. Ifortcacee tor Site. T. TREAT, Atchison Nations! Bask Bldg Atciisoo, Kansas.

had been expected and large enough to make some af the directors gasp. FOR SALE. I rooms. Hickory St f00 rising. Orozco and his fellow officers has at the serum plant is used constantly to produce more of the val 5 rooms, Riley 9t the attitude of the street toward it was that It represented the cleaning 5 rooms.

Atchison St 9f0 say that their meeting there was a coincidence. Those familiar with uable preventive. 10 rooms, Main bargain 1.8U0 up of accounts that had been improperly carried In the profit and loss item, 7 rooms, bath, furnace, gas, elec Distance to Form a Good Opinion I of Atchison Send Them tric light 2.400 3 and that, therefore, the company, was 6 rooms, N. Id rooms, close in, $300 cash l.noo them say It will be surprising it unfavorable action at the capital is not followed by hostilities, i Chihuahua's military force is made up almost altogether of former revolutionists who might be induced to take the 18 acres. 5 cash 1.30 There Is no such thing ss exhausting the industrial resources of any country where men and women aro willing to work with heads and hands.

Thousands of years have elapsed since After Fall, Cross-Country Aviator Abandons Long Race. Hornell, X. Sept. 22. Aviator Ward announced his withdrawal from the cross-continent flight to-day following a fall of sixty feet near Rath-bone, in which his machine was badly damaged and Ward slightly injured.

Ward resumed his flight this morning, and had covered only Ave miles when he fell. Rodgera Hurries On. Scranton, Sept. 22. Aviator Rodgers, on a cross-continent flight, landed near here this afternoon after flying fifty-three miles from Xan-cock, X.

T.i In an hour. now on a basis where It could show what It could do as a railroad. To those who have had any doubt about the Independence of President Bush this report, financiers say, ought to be 0 acres 1.1 00 COMMERCE INVESTMENT 423 Commercial St. 69 1 THE little Greece took her place at the front LOST Between Commercial and on sufficient and final answer." 8lxth a mans pearl knife in leather case. Finder please notify Bell phone 676.

69 PERSOXAI Mrs. C. D. Crandel, who has been WANTED 2 waitresses at Dunton's 69 restaurant. visiting her sister, Mrs.

Thomas Lane, field again, It Is said. Another perpendicular advance of seventeen points occurred in the price of raw sugar in New York yes. terday, making Cuba centrifugal 96 test 5.92 cents, which is the highest figure in many years. A sale of twenty thousand bags took place on that basis. More was wanted, but spot supplies are light, although there is less anxiety regarding later shipments.

No further change was made in re of the nations. But her sun has not yet passed Into eclipse. A late report of our consular agent at Athens shows that the foreign trade of Greece for 1910 amounted to as compared with In The value of imports was $30,591,423, against $26,229,994 In 1909. and ex. ports $26,546,113, against $19,572,642 In 1909.

The Increase in the foreimi trade is attributed to the marked de- Have yon something to sell a a piece ot furniture, clothing, a a books, vehicle, horse, harness? a a By using a Globe Cheap Ad. you a Jt are almost rure to find some per- a a son who wants what yon have to a ecll a a THREE LIXE8, a THREE TIMES, a a as cents. a a iWeekiy to Cf WANTED A ralnter at 930 Division 69 St. for the past month; will return to her home In St. Louis to-morrow.

Miss Adelia Ennls, of Bell telephone exchange, Is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Knnis, in Falls City. FOR RENT A moern home, fur nished or unfurnished to right party. cheap.

Bell phone 1447. 69" FOR SALE Kitchen cabinets, dining-room table, chiffonier, combination Frank Ruff and Mls Mamie Dwyer gas stove and gas lamp. 609 Parallel. will be married In Topcka Monday 9 and Austin Latenser will go to Topeka fined sugar, hut an advance Is expected to follow the sharp rise in the raw material. At present 6.75 cents is lowest price quoted for granulated sugar.

Some refineries are practically out of the market and others arc asking as high as 7.50 for prompt SHIRLEY PRESIDENT Sunday to he best man at the wed An Aviator Killed. Elmira. X. Sept. 22.

"Daredevil" Castlerene plunged to Instant death when his aeroplane turned over while he wag making an exhibition flight at Masflel, Pa to-day. His wife witnessed the trpgedy. BAD STORM IX ITALY. Twenty Killed and Much Property Daningo Xear Vesuvius Naples, Sept. 22.

a terrific storm swept the Vesuvius district to-day causing great loss of life and property damage. persons are known FOR RENT My 5-room house, with hath, furnished; In a very desirable neighborhood. Apply. 611 N. 5th.

69 velopmcnt of the resources of the countrv nnd to a large extent to Im- proved" political and other conditions. The exports from Athens to the United States In 1910 were valued at About 4S.000 Greeks during the same year emigrated to the United States. From the consular district at Patas the exports to the United States In 1910 (mainly currants and olives) were valued at $1,830,566. ding. The groom's homexls In Atchison, but he lately took a position In SUSPENDERS' Topeka.

FOR SALE Square piano In trood condition; $15 If taken before Monday. H. M. Ernsj, 942 Kansas Ave. 69 tr.

pi Arch-deacon T. W. Clinton, of will arrive In Atchison to-mor row evening, or Sunday, to visit his yister, Mrs. R. J.

Grove, whom he has not seen since she left her Knglish FOR RENT 7-room house, electric lights, water In the house, barn, chicken house and 7 lots: also 4-room house, electric lights, well, barn, and II lots; both housos near Forest park. New phone 982 Blue. 69 home a bride, fifty-four years ago. to have been killed. The fato of whole The Uluftritioa iKowi the feature) that male SHIRLEY PRESIDENT SUS-PENDERS more comfort, able and mora durable this ethet lunik, The Slidini Cord iikjiw when the ihouliieri awn.

It tioei end lake with every motion. Eitra Heavy Cnda (of Workers 1 Medium end Lififtt WeightilsroVeaawew; Extra Lesctha lor tall men. I G.r S. Van Eman, a hardware man of Jennings, has read it for years, says I "I would take It if it eost $2.50 per need it in our i Subscription price, 50c per year; to five differ-g ent addresses for one year, or to one address for five years, $2.00. I The Weekly Globe and E.

W. Howe's Monthly 5 Magazine one year, $1 .25. 5 Subscription Department, i I The Globe Publishing Company. Arch-deacon Clinton has been acting families Is in doubt. bishop of Mauritius, an Island off! The downpour of rain caused.

floods from the coast of Madagascar for the rising In some places to the iecond past ten years. floor of houses. Hundreds of families -1 LOST Friday morning. 4 shirtwaists out of landry basket, about loth and Commercial. Flndr please leeve at 823 Kansas Ave.

Mrs. Maulrtsberry. 6S' WANTED The public to know that I am now prepared to go out Call Bell phone 401. Mrs. I'linrhc Oeros.

ran from their homes in Imminent danger of being overwhelmed or es Mme Sarah Bernhardt Is to be canned. In other words her histronlc art is to bo embodied In a moving picture film, for which she has "consented" to pose for a considerable sum. She will be photographed In scenes from "t'amllle." i An organization of business men to ecure fme-cent postage, has its headquarters In Cleveland, O. If It continues to spread all over the country It may prove a powerful lever to force the magazines to submit to. a raise In second class postage rates.

In the neighborhood of four million pneumatic tires will lie1 required to shoe the ifhtomobiles running In America during the year 1312. This estimate of the tuition's Impending There were 461 horses Imported Into the United States for breeding purposes during the three months end-, Ing June 30. according to the bureau of animal Industry at Wnshlmtmn. which issues certificates of pure breeding to tlielr ownprs. Topping the list of these full-blooded animals Imported for this purpose Mas the Pen-heron breed with 230.

Belgian draft was next with 1. Among other breeds Imported were: Clydesdale, L6; lluckncy, 7: Shetland pony. 12; Shire, (I; Suffolk, 9, and Welsh 8. Everything fresh In the bakery lln cape shut off. Great quantities of mud and stones swept down the side SIGNED GUARANTEE OH EVERY PAIR of Mount Vesuvius, At moft Jralert or we will mail you a pair (ot SOeenu.

Be ture to set a pair today 3M: Common CoIiIh Mut He Taken So-rlouily, For unless cured, they gap the vitality and lower the vital resistance to more serious InfeHlon. Protect your children find yourself by the prompt upe of Foley's Honey ntnl Tar Compound, and note lis quick and decisive result. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis and directions of the thn.nt, chest utid lungs, it Is an ever-reitdy and vnluuble remedy. M. THE C.

A. EE6ART0M MF6. CO. Foley's Kidney Remedy (liquid) Is a great medicine of Proven value Tor both acute and chronic kidney nnd blHdder ailments. It Is especially rec-nmmendPd to elderly people for Its u-nnflrrful tonic and reaunstrtictU' 111 tfatu cTBrrr tuiiirv uiti El.

F. WILLIAMS, il New nnd Seeoinl-ltinul 1'iirnt hire. 103-100 North Kit-lull Street. r. can now be found at llupimnns uan-cry.

doodi delivered. lire needs ia made by J. M. Ollhcrt, I 1 at-' rum atohison vteeklx glows the ATcmsox c.umc qualities. And the permanent relief and comfort It gives Uitm.

at. X0l..

The Atchison Daily Globe from Atchison, Kansas (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.